Entry-Level Writing Requirement
The Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is a University of California reading and writing proficiency requirement that all first-year students must satisfy. This requirement is not an admissions requirement. The ELWR must be satisfied either before beginning courses on a UC campus or during the first year of enrollment. For information about individual high schools’ success rates in preparing their students to satisfy the ELWR, please go to the UC Office of the President website.
There are a variety of ways incoming students can satisfy the ELWR both before or after they officially matriculate (enroll full-time).
Ways to Satisfy ELWR
Students may satisfy the ELWR by any one of the following ways:
- 30 or better on the ACT, English Language Arts; or
- 63 or better on the ACT, English + Reading
- 30 or better on the ACT, Combined English/Writing (exam last administered June 2015); or
- 680 or better on the SAT, Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing; or
- Please note: The digital SAT Reading and Writing section score has not been approved to meet the ELWR.
- 680 or better on the SAT Reasoning Test, Writing (exam last administered January 2016); or
- 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in English (Language or Literature) or Seminar; or
- 3 or above on the College Board Advanced Placement assessment in Research
- 5 or above on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level English A: Literature exam (formerly known as Higher Level English A1 exam); or
- 6 or above on an International Baccalaureate Standard Level English A: Literature exam (formerly known as Standard Level English A1 exam); or
- 5 or above on an International Baccalaureate Higher Level English A: Language and Literature exam; or
- 6 or above on an International Baccalaureate Standard Level English A: Language and Literature exam; or
- Satisfactory score on the UCR Writing Placement Process diagnostic essay exam
- The requirement can also be met by earning a grade of C or higher in a transferable English composition course offered by a college or university. This course must be completed before a student matriculates to UCR.
Students who have not satisfied the ELWR before beginning as full-time students must enroll in one of UCR’s Entry-Level Writing courses during their first quarter on campus. The Director of the University Writing Program determines the appropriate course based on the students' WPP exams, and placements are made available to students electronically.
- Complete with a C or better one of the following summer courses offered on the UCR campus before beginning classes in the fall.
- A seven-week, five-unit ENGL004 course at UCR from July through September.
- A seven-week, ten-unitHighlander Early Start Academy program at UCR from July through September; Students will take English 4, an Oral Communication course, and an Early Start Seminar.
- Complete with a grade of C or better an Entry-Level Writing Requirement course during the summer at another UC campus. Check UC campus' home pages for summer school information.
- Complete with a grade of C or better a 4 quarter-unit or 3 semester-unit college-level course in English composition (equivalent to UCR ENGL 001A), taken at another institution before the student enters UCR, and judged acceptable by the Office of Admissions. To find out whether a course at your local campus is acceptable, go to www.assist.org. Passing this course satisfies both the ELWR and the ENGL 001A requirements. Students who choose this option should have reason to believe they can pass an advanced writing course. This option is not available to students after they begin at UCR as full-time students.
- Complete with a grade of C or better a preparatory writing course at a CSU or community college campus, and then retake and pass the WPP at UCR in September. The course should be completed in time to submit evidence of a passing grade to the University Writing Program Office by the start of the Fall Quarter. Students should submit evidence of passing a passing grade along with a note including their name, student ID number, and a request to be added to the September exam roster. Once the grade report is approved, students receive permission to retake the WPP. (A photocopy of a grade report is sufficient and can be emailed, along with a note, to Sheena Thrush (UWP Counselor), at sheena.thrush@ucr.edu. This option is not available to students after they begin at UCR as full-time students.
UCR's Writing Placement Process (WPP)
About The Exam
UCR's Writing Placement Process (WPP) determines if entering students can read and write at the level expected to satisfy the UC Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR). The WPP diagnostic essay exam will be administered to new incoming UCR freshmen who have not yet satisfied the ELWR. The exam is only available to students who have completed their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Students who write satisfactory exams satisfy the ELWR and are eligible to enroll in the first course of the UCR Freshman Composition sequence (English 1A - Beginning Composition). Students whose exams are determined to be unsatisfactory are given instructions to enroll in a particular ELWR course. UCR urges all new students to satisfy their ELWR before becoming a full-time student in the fall.
Students who have not officially satisfied the ELWR in one of the UC approved methods must complete the WPP diagnostic exam. Completing the online WPP exam on one of the test dates in May or June will ensure that students have placement information before registering for fall quarter classes when attending their Advisor Support Session in July or August.
More information regarding the UC elwr
Each essay is scored independently by two readers, who measure it against the 6 point scoring guide, written by the experts who developed the examination. Papers with composite scores (sum of the two readers’ scores) of 8 and higher satisfy the UC Entry-Level Writing Requirement. Results from exams will be sent to each student via their UCR email address. Students who complete the online exam in May or June will have the results in time for their Advisor Support Session. Results are final; your essay will not be re-evaluated.
Sample Prompt
You will be given a prose passage to read carefully. The passage is followed by a question or topic related to the prose passage but intended to give you the opportunity to express your own opinions and ideas. Respond to the topic by writing an essay that is controlled by a central idea and is specifically developed.
You will have two hours to read the passage and complete your essay. The question requires no specialized knowledge. We are interested in your thoughts on the issue you write about and in your presentation and expression of them. Your essay will be evaluated on the basis of your ability to develop your central idea, to express yourself clearly, and to use the conventions of written English.
Exam Fee
The fee for this exam is $100 and will be automatically added to your student account after completing the essay exam. Students who receive a fee waiver for the UC Application Fee will also receive a fee wavier for the WPP diagnostic essay exam.
Test Dates
Students who have not satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement must complete the WPP diagnostic essay exam.
2025-2026 Academic Year
Test Dates:
Test Date: | Exam Start Time*: | Exam Location: | Registration Link | Registration Closes** |
Saturday, May 10, 2025 | 10:00 AM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 05/08/2025 |
Saturday, May 10, 2025 | 5:00 PM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 05/08/2025 |
Sunday, May 11, 2025 | 10:00 AM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 05/08/2025 |
Sunday, May 11, 2025 | 5:00 PM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 05/08/2025 |
Saturday, June 21, 2025 | 10:00 AM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 06/18/2025 |
Saturday, June 21, 2025 | 5:00 PM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 06/18/2025 |
Sunday, June 22, 2025 | 10:00 AM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 06/18/2025 |
Sunday, June 22, 2025 | 5:00 PM | Online (Canvas/eLearn) | Registration Coming Soon | 06/18/2025 |
*Exam times are based on the Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
**Registration closes at 11:59 PM
It is necessary to register for the Writing Placement Process:
- Register for the WPP diagnostic essay exam.
- Select a test date listed in the chart above.
- The registration link will take you to a Qualtrics survey form.
- Prepare the necessary materials:
- A computer or laptop
- Webcam and microphone
- Photo ID
- ie. Driver's license, passport, R'Card, High School photo ID, etc.
- Prepare your exam space:
- A quiet place where you will not be interrupted
- Two hours to complete the essay exam
- BE ON TIME! Students will not get additional time if they begin the exam after the scheduled start time.
- Students requesting accommodations for the exam should contact the Student Disability Resource Center.
- Please submit accommodation requests to the SDRC at least 3 weeks before your preferred test date.
Questions about the Writing Placement Process should be addressed to the University Writing Program: uwp@ucr.edu.
Time Limit
If students have not satisfied the requirement upon entrance as full-time students, they must satisfy the ELWR within three quarters of full-time enrollment.
Students who have not satisfied the ELWR after three quarters of university residence (three quarters of enrollment during the regular academic year) are not normally eligible to enroll for a fourth quarter at the University of California.
For students placed in BSWT001 or BSWT003, this three-quarter residence rule begins after satisfactory completion of BSWT003 or the start of their fourth quarter of regular enrollment at UCR, whichever comes first.
Q: Why is it important to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement before arriving on campus in the fall?
A: By doing so, students can begin their first quarter enrolled in the required English Composition sequence (ENGL 001ABC), thus taking a step toward finishing their undergraduate degrees within four years. There are a variety of ways to satisfy the ELWR before beginning in the fall, several of which are summer opportunities.
Q: Why is it important to take the UC placement examination (AWPE) in May or June?
A: Testing early gives students placement information in ample time for them to exercise the option of enrolling in summer school if their results are unsatisfactory. It also helps ensure that all students will be able to register for their fall quarter courses when they come to UCR during the summer Highlander Orientation.
Q: Must I take the AWPE in May or June?
A: Yes. We strongly encourage any student who has not officially satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement to take the exam in May or June. While the University Writing Program will offer a couple additional exam administrations in August and September, these exams are primarily designed as make-up test dates. Students will enroll in fall quarter classes during their Highlander Orientation session, and will be unable to enroll in the appropriate writing course without official placement information in the system.
Q: If I do not pass the AWPE, what can I do to satisfy the requirement during the summer, before I become a full-time student at UCR?
A: If you did not pass the May or June AWPE, you can enroll in an ELWR course during Summer Session E. Session E is deliberately scheduled after most of the Highlander Orientation sessions to accommodate students who decide, as a result of their Orientation experience, to satisfy the writing requirement during the summer. Incoming students are encouraged to consider participating in the Highlander Early Start Academy.
Q: Can I appeal my placement?
A: The Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) is designed to match you to the course that will best address your needs in writing. The AWPE is scored by two or more readers who have significant placement experience and have undergone extensive training. If you would like to appeal the placement decision, you may do so by clicking this link. Appealing the placement decision involves filling out a survey, and, possibly, submitting a formal letter of appeal and participating in an interview. All appeals need to be received no later than two weeks after a student has learned about the placement decision.
Q: How do I register for UCR’s summer Highlander Orientation?
A: Register online at orientation.ucr.edu.
Q: How do I find what courses will satisfy the ELWR and earn transfer units for the first course in the Freshman Composition sequence?
A: If you are considering taking a course that will satisfy the ELWR and earn transfer units for ENGL 001A, use www.assist.org to identify these courses at community colleges and CSU campuses. For approved courses from other colleges or universities, check with the UCR Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Q: I plan to take, or have already taken, the AP Examination in English. Why do I need to take the AWPE in May or June?
A: If the University has not received evidence that you have passed the AP exam, you will receive information about taking the AWPE in May or June. We recommend that you take the exam on one of these test dates to increase your chances of passing the Entry-Level Writing Requirement. A passing score on either exam (the AP or the AWPE) is enough to satisfy the writing requirement; a score of 3 or better on the AP examination will also enable you to be exempted from one or two of the required Freshman Composition courses (ENGL 001A, ENGL 001B). If you do not earn a passing score on the AP English exam and have not satisfied the ELWR in one of the other methods, you will need to complete the AWPE. Taking the AWPE if you have not already earned a passing score on the AP English exam will ensure that you will be able to register for the appropriate classes during Highlander Orientation.
Q: Is there a fee for the Analytical Writing Placement Examination?
A: Yes, there is a $100 fee for the Analytical Writing Placement Examination. The fee will be automatically added to your student account after you complete the essay exam. This fee will be waived if you have already received a waiver of your UC application fees.
Q: What if I take ENGL 004 and do not earn a “C” or above?
A: You will not have satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement and will need to repeat the course in the following quarter. Register for the same English course again via R'Web during open enrollment. R'Web can be accessed on the web at https://rweb.ucr.edu.
Q: How will I know if I satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement or if I need to repeat the course the next quarter?
A: Check your grades on R'Web. You will be able to see if you passed your English course with a grade of “C” or above. If you receive a “C” or above in ENGL 004, you will have fulfilled the Entry-Level Writing Requirement and can register for the first course in the Freshman series of English Courses, ENGL 001A (Beginning Composition). If you received a “C-“ or lower as a grade in the ENGL 004 course, you will need to repeat the course to try to attain a “C” or above.
Q: What if I do not want to repeat ENGL 004?
A: You must repeat the course. You have three quarters of academic residence to satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement. After this time, students who have not satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement are not typically allowed to register for a fourth quarter.
Q: Will financial aid apply to my fees when I repeat my English course?
A: Yes, full-time students eligible for financial aid will have their fees paid in accordance with their financial aid package allocations for the repetition of ENGL 004.
Q: What if I need to talk to someone about my schedule?
A: Students should contact their academic advisor.
Information about College Advising offices:
- College of Engineering – Academic Advising
- College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences – Academic Advising
- College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences – Academic Advising
- School of Education – Academic Advising
- School of Public Policy – Academic Advising
Q: How many times can I repeat ENGL 004 if I do not receive a grade of “C” or above? Will I need to pay extra fees?
A: First year UCR students have their first three (3) quarters to earn a satisfactory grade in ENGL 004. Students who have not fulfilled the Entry-Level Writing Requirement by the end of this time period will not be allowed to register in courses for the following (fourth) quarter. No extra fees will be charged for repeating the course during a student’s first three quarters of enrollment.
Q: Is there some place I can go to get help if I find I am having difficulty in ENGL 004?
A: Talk with your instructor. Make use of office hours. You can also go to the UCR Academic Resource Center. The ARC provides assistance through an English “drop-in” tutoring program. UCR students are available to help you with your work. To check the drop-in tutoring hours, please consult the ARC website. The ARC website also explains the many programs offered to assist students. They are there to help you.
Q: How do I find the summer school schedules for preparatory writing courses available at community colleges and the CSU campuses?
A: Go to the home page of each of your local community college and/or CSU campuses and follow the prompts to the summer schedule. Look for courses in basic writing or preparatory writing. Remember that on this pathway you take a preparatory English course, pass with a C or better, and then retake the AWPE at UCR in September. For complete information about this option, view the ‘Summer Options’ listed above.
Q: Who can help me if I am having financial questions?
A: You can stop by the Highlander One-Stop Shop (HOSS), First Floor, Student Services Building, between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, or call the office during these hours at 951-827-3878. For the UCR policy on remedial and repeated courses, see the Financial Aid website at www.finaid.ucr.edu and select “Maintaining Eligibility.”
The Financial Aid office assists students with meeting educational expenses that cannot be met from personal resources. For more information on grants, loans, employment, scholarships and corresponding application deadlines, go to finaid.ucr.edu or e-mail finaid@ucr.edu.