Mission Statement
The Writing And Foster Youth Alliance (WAFYA) serves the current and former foster youth community at the University of California, Riverside. WAFYA is composed of University Writing Program faculty who are dedicated to building collaborative academic relationships with the campus’s current and former foster youth through mentorship and supplemental academic support. WAFYA’s primary objective is to facilitate the success of foster youth at UCR, success that will be most visible in robust retention rates, graduation rates, and overall academic achievement.
Who We Are
Established in the fall of 2018 and in consultation with and support from Guardian Scholars’ leadership, the Writing and Foster Youth Alliance complements the range of foster youth support services on campus in a unique and immediate capacity: by providing faculty guidance to students who need to develop, write, and research in any of their courses. This academic support also is extended to broad academic pursuits like personal statements, statements of purpose, resumes, cover letters, and more. WAFYA: the mentoring program that puts you in charge of your support needs.
We maintain close ties with the Office of Foster Youth Support Services, Guardian Scholars, and Office of Undergraduate Education to ensure that the programs and services we offer reflect the needs of UCR’s foster youth community.
WAFYA Programming
Winter 2025
1:1 APPOINTMENTS Now In-Person and Online!
You can schedule a faculty mentor consultation any time--there’s no need to wait for one of our writing labs or other events. Sign-up with the “ticket in” and we will respond ASAP to connect you with a mentor at a time convenient for you. Click on the icons for easy viewing and sign-up. You also can sign up on our website: uwp.ucr.edu/wafya.
WRITING LAB In-Person at FYSS: We Come to You!
Meet one-on-one with a faculty mentor ready to assist you just when you need it the most, whether it be to start a project, ask advice, get assistance with research, seek draft review, and more. Can’t make it? Schedule a 1:1 appointment!
Tues. Jan. 21 10:30a-12:00p
Tues. Feb. 11 10:30a-12:00p
Wed. Mar. 12 2:15p-3:45p
Location: Office of Foster Youth Support Services 3637 Canyon Crest Drive, Bannockburn, K-101
In fall 2018 we established the Writing and Foster Youth Alliance to contribute to the range of foster youth support services on campus in a unique and much-needed capacity: by providing compositional guidance to students who need to develop, write, and research in any of their courses, as well as for when academic and professional pursuits ask for personal statements, statements of purpose, resumes, cover letters, and more. WAFYA: the mentoring program that lets you choose how much support you need-- and how and when you want it.
Read. Research. Write. Whatever. Whenever (almost).
Faculty Mentor Profiles and Availability
Contact Us
Associate Director of University Writing Program (UWP)
Director of the English Language Writing Requirement (ELWR), UWP
Co-Founder/Co-Director of WAFYA, UWP
University Writing Program
Paul Beehler (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) was born and raised in California where he pursued his education in the California State University system and the University of California system. Associate Director of the University Writing Program (UWP) and Director of the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) for the University of California at Riverside, Paul Beehler is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of English. He supervises and mentors graduate students and undergraduate students across a host of disciplines, all of whom are learning how to teach writing. His research interests include popular culture, Shakespeare, composition theory, and writing program administration. In these areas, he has published two dozen articles. Currently, Professor Beehler serves on the Committee on Preparatory Education at the University of California, Riverside and chairs the U.C. systemwide committee on English for Multilingual Students. He also co-founded the Writing And Foster Youth Alliance (WAFYA), an organization dedicated to serving former foster youth. For the past twenty years, Paul Beehler has served as a pro bono tutor for L1 and L2 Vietnamese secondary students in Orange County, California.
Co-Founder/Co-Director of WAFYA, UWP
Mentor Director, Grad School Application Essays: How to Write, and Help to Do It!
University Writing Program
Rory Moore (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) has been an adjunct associate professor and opportunity program administrator at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York, as well as an administrator in Graduate Division’s Grad Success program and a lecturer in the Department of English at the University of California, Riverside. She currently teaches in UCR’s University Writing Program as a member of their faculty. Dr. Moore identifies as a proud, though not uncritical, alumna of California’s public school system. She counts five elementary schools, one middle school, two high schools, and then UCLA, CSUN, and, finally, UCR as alma maters. She recognizes that her academic achievements are due in part to her determination and persistence through failure and the support of others. This understanding is what led to Dr. Moore expanding her research, teaching, and service interests. Trained in the field of nineteenth-century British literature and fascinated with the intersections between the literature, gender, and popular culture of the period, since 2013 she also has focused on composition pedagogy, program administration, accessibility, and student success in higher education. Her particular passion in these areas is in advocating for inclusive teaching and supporting disadvantaged student populations. Dr. Moore’s commitment to equitable practices led her in 2018 to co-found and co-direct WAFYA, the University Writing Program's academic support and mentorship program for UCR’s community of current and former foster youth. Across her interests she has presented at numerous conferences and published several peer-reviewed works.