uwp jobs header


Job Listings

  • Teaching Assistant Positions
    Teaching Assistant positions
    University Writing Program
    University of California, Riverside

    The University Writing Program (UWP) at the University of California, Riverside is accepting applications for Teaching Assistant (T.A.) positions for the 2025-2026 academic year.

    Application Instructions:
    Applications and materials will be submitted using UCR’s online application system located at https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF02066

  • Faculty Positions
    Associate Professor of Teaching,
    Director of Computer Assisted Assessment and Instruction,
    and Associate Director of the University Writing Program
    University Writing Program
    University of California, Riverside

    Application Materials:
    Applications and materials will be submitted using UCR’s online application system located at https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/apply/JPF02063.



    Assistant or Associate Professor of Teaching
    in First-Year Writing Instruction and Academic Student Employee (ASE) Mentoring
    University Writing Program
    University of California, Riverside

    Application Instructions:
    Applications and materials will be submitted using UCR’s online application system located at [https://aprecruit.ucr.edu/JPF02062].


    Lecturer positions
    University Writing Program
    University of California, Riverside

    No active recruitments at this time.